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County Road 3, Rush, CO 80833
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MLS®️ Listing#
On exitrealty.com
313 days
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1,037 acre dry land farm and grassland east of Colorado Springs! Wide open spaces! Add to your farming or grazing operation, or build your farm. Towering views of Pikes Peak and views of the Spanish Peaks! Tons of road frontage and electrical service in the area. 2. Seller is willing to sell the east and the west parcels separately at $925 per acre.
722 acres dry land farm ground and 315 acres grassland in Lincoln County. The farm ground is fallow and hasn't been farmed in a few years. It wouldn't take much to put it back in production. The farm ground lays level, with less than 3 percent slope with class IV soils. The grass is mostly native forage. The farm is Ag zoned and there's electrical service along CR 2 and along CR U and at points along CR 3 and CR V. There is fiber optic along County Road The farm backs to the conserved 50,000 acre Brett Gray Ranch. There are several seasonal creeks including the West Branch of Steels Fork-Horse Creek.
There are great Antelope populations, as well as Mule Deer, Coyote, Fox, Dove and various other birds and animals.
The farm ground is fallow and hasn't been farmed for several years. It lays level and could easily be put back in production. The farm ground is mostly Ascalon Sandy Loam, Satanta Loam, Platner-Ascalon Complex, Ascalon-Haxton Complex and Olney-Sandy Loam class IV Soils. The rangeland is mostly native grasses.
There are no adjudicated water rights. No mineral rights convey. The property has a 1/3 interest in a domestic water well located on the 40 acre out parcel. There is a hydrant on the western side of County Road 3.
Rush Colorado is located on the Eastern Plains, 40 miles east of Colorado Springs. Annual precipitation averages 12 inches per year. Winters are generally mild and summers warm. The area is mostly a ranching and farming community with scattered rural residential.
The farm is 8 miles south east of Rush Colorado, which is 40 miles east of Colorado Springs.
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- Utilities
- Electricity Available
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- false
Listing Courtesy: HAYDEN OUTDOORS LLC - jimdigby@haydenoutdoors.com,303-883-8493

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