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8677 State Highway 66, Platteville, CO 80651
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Home Details for 8677 State Highway 66
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MLS®️ Listing#
On exitrealty.com
253 days
Property Description
Here is an amazing business opportunity in a premier location, located across the street from the famous Miller Farms on Highway 66. This location boasts an average of 88,000 vehicles passing the business daily, a 2020 statistic from the town manager of Platteville Colorado. The majestic Rocky Mountain front range is visible with Mt. Meeker and Longs Peak as a background. The growth of residential neighborhoods and businesses around this property change by the month. The property has been updated to a commercial status with an agricultural / boarding. The business consists of dog boarding, dog daycare for half or full day, hydrotherapy, and a bakery. The staff of 10 are well trained in animal safety and provide a 5-star experience to every valuable customer encountered which is evident by the 5 star google reviews. This is a rare turnkey business opportunity that has an established clientele with current bookings through December 2023. This business was set up for future success by starting with a strong foundation. The additions and upgrades to the property was done with successful growth in mind. The custom work and attention to detail added to the property has been a direct result of the business’s success. Adding to the impressiveness of this building, is a loft style apartment with a kitchen, loft, bathroom with shower, and laundry for an owner that wished to stay onsite. If you interested in owning a turnkey boarding facility, this is an absolute must see.
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Listing Courtesy: Rex Homes LLC - mike.rex99@yahoo.com,720-317-7683

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