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Lot 19 Jerry Road, San Luis, CO 81152
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MLS®️ Listing#
On exitrealty.com
234 days
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This 5 acre lot is Perfect for off grid living and You may even see elk, deer, antelope. There is a ravine that runs through the property, but plenty of room to build Perfect opportunity for off-grid living, embracing sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyles. Enjoy star filled nights gazing at the vast night ski and an abundance of sunshine during the day making this land perfect for solar. With the addition of an septic, cistern, and solar you can use it to for a weekend getaway or make it your permanent home. The seller acquired this property via a Costilla County tax lien sale. The taxes are current. Seller financing available with $1000.00 down for 36 months at 10% annual interest.
- Garage
- false
Listing Courtesy: Brackendale Realty Llc - buywithbecky01@gmail.com,719-992-4655

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